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Εργαλεία Θεμάτων Τρόποι εμφάνισης
Παλιό 14-09-2012, 13:54
charlyno Ο/Η charlyno βρίσκεται εκτός σύνδεσης
Senior Member
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής: Aug 2010
Περιοχή: astrid
Μηνύματα: 117
Προεπιλογή 13 Sept. "In the world of fairy tales among Swedish castles .. and a t

Hello guys

Still holds ... the weather here in the north! Sunny day with 12/16 degrees. As always when I can take advantage of it .. So I took my "baby" of the garage and I had another nice walk on Swedish soil to discover the many castles scattered almost everywhere. First stop the private castle (.. I have almost everyone! In 95% it is possible to visit the beautiful gardens but it is never possible to visit the interior .. unfortunately). of Ellinge north of Lund. A great white building with a tree lined boulevard cirdcondato by a small forest. A little oasis in the middle of the Swedish countryside. Ellinge is one of the oldest buildings of Scania, dating back to 1100 and belonged in the Middle Ages one of the most powerful clans in Denmark. Over the years it has been renovated and has lost its former function as a fortress. Played a leading role during the medieval battles in Denmark and later in the wars with Sweden. A few kilometers away one of the most beautiful castles I have seen so far in Sweden, the castle of Trollenäs. A real show! It is located in the municipality Eslöv. And 'the fourteenth century, and has been owned by only two families, and Thott Trolle. The current building dates from 1559 and was renovated by the architect Ferdinand Meldahl in the late nineteenth century to resemble a French Renaissance chateau. Within the gardens is a nice bar where you can taste local delicacies are homemade. Nas adjacent to the beautiful church of XII century in which is possible to admire the frescoes of the XII-XIV century and the tombs of the princes Trolle. A few kilometers still a beautiful castle to Trolleholms. Located in the municipality Svalövs, the present castle was built in 1760, but its origins date back to 1500. His fairytale dates back to 1800, when the castle was restored in the Renaissance style. The castle consists of three three-story buildings of red brick. E 'surrounded by four corner towers with conical caps and vents. Today the castle is not open to the public and part of it is used as a hotel / restaurant of luxury! After a full immersion in a jump castles by the sea near the small nature reserve Lomma. Beautiful colors .. and "sunshine"! Enjoy. Here all photos

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