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Εργαλεία Θεμάτων Τρόποι εμφάνισης
Παλιό 08-09-2012, 14:18
charlyno Ο/Η charlyno βρίσκεται εκτός σύνδεσης
Senior Member
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής: Aug 2010
Περιοχή: astrid
Μηνύματα: 117
Προεπιλογή 07 Sett. 2012 - Landskrona - Citadellet -Sweden

Hello guys
today ... pulled a wind strong enough but since late in the morning is coming off a beautiful sunny day and I took advantage of a half-day on the road to visit the beautiful town of Landskrona citadel with its wonderful. The Citadel is one of the best preserved fortresses of water in 1500 with a good system of moats still intact. Christian III of Denmark built the town of Landskrona between 1549-1559. Initially it was a simple means of defense. The basic plan square and the castle was surrounded by a moat 70 meters wide.
Landskrona in 1644 it was conquered by the Swedes but the Danes returned to the city the following year. After the Treaty of Roskilde in 1658 became part of the Swedish Scania. In the following years it was remodeled and expanded. Since the beginning of 1700 has been used as a prison during the 1900s and used as a women's prison for forced labor until 1940. The place is enchanting. In the moat surrounding the castle you can fish and from what I've seen .. you are fishing very well! Then I discovered that even in Sweden ... they have a "Little Mermaid"! It is located right on the sea near the castle and the fortifications of the Second World War. A beautiful little woman who admires the sea, which has nothing to envy to its "close"! On the coast and around the fortress scattered almost everywhere antique cannons of 1600/1700 which give a good idea of how it should be impossible to achieve a structure of this kind. After the visit, I jumped in the center to the main square and the church of Santa Sofia. Then lunch at a Thai restaurant and back along the coast. Enjoy it! All photos on[/url]

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Παλιό 10-09-2012, 10:29
adventure Ο/Η adventure βρίσκεται εκτός σύνδεσης
Ημερομηνία εγγραφής: Dec 2008
Περιοχή: Ζάκυνθος
Μoto: BMW 1150GS Adventure Βασιλομήτωρ των ADV
Μηνύματα: 20,938
Προεπιλογή Απάντηση: 07 Sett. 2012 - Landskrona - Citadellet -Sweden

Bravo my friend so beautiful all of your photos.

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